Filing cabinets-because a paperless office is a long way off!

Remember when everyone was all excited about the concept of a paperless office, and you will not be surprised to hear that we, the folks at Office1web ( were never behind this idea! Not only because we feel very passionate about humble stationery, but also because we knew that if a paperless office is indeed possible, the modern world is still far from embracing it! You just have to look at expanding sales of closets to see what offices around the world still have a heck of a lot of paper that needs presentation.

The first version of a filing cabinet was a horizontal file invented in 1886, when an American inventor called Henry Brown decided that there was a need for a "container for storage and preservation of documents". He designed and patented a wrought metal container sturdy enough to support the fire and accident and that could be blocked. Not only that, kept separate work in files to make for easy future access and hey presto, was born the concept of deposit!

Modern vertical filing cabinets as standard Office cabinets we know today arose when another American, Edwin g. Seibels went one step further and in 1898 designed a Cabinet where papers could be kept in large files, which would be at the end vertically in a drawer. This simple idea has revolutionized the day-to-day business of trampling world.

Today, the cabinets are surprisingly unchanged. The materials are more modern, durable and yet much lighter – even cabinets and cabinets steel fire resistant-so now are much easier to move, and some new features have been added (wheels to make them furniture, that the option of having different coatings for wood cabinets, etc.).

Demand is still constant for this simple piece of office equipment ( 125 years after its invention, which just goes to show, a paperless office is a long way off!

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