Office1web: From Stationers to Office Supplies Superstore

While it’s true that Ireland’s leading office supplies company Office1web ( started out primarily as a stationery company, it very quickly became the go-to company for businesses in Ireland and indeed all over Europe for all sorts of office supplies. Now, many years of success later, it is proud to be more of an office supplies superstore than a stationers, although with humble pens, pencils, paper and toner still at the very core of its business.

There was a time when businesses had a well-leafed office stationery catalogue from which they’d laboriously find the product they need, note down the details and then have to phone the order in. This would satisfy the very basic office products which were required, but then another company would have to be used for cleaning, janitorial and catering equipment and larger office furniture and IT equipment. No wonder office managers of old seemed to have their nose in a catalogue for most of the day.

Online ordering has done away with physical catalogues and simplified the process, of course: has thousands upon thousands of products which are just a click away, payment is safe and secure and delivery is quick and free for all orders over €60.00 excluding VAT. However, Office1web had a mission to make it even easier for businesses, by selling just about everything they could possibly need to run their business from under one online roof. One company, one provider, one website – Office1web!

After years of building one of the most comprehensive selections of office products available anywhere on the web, Office1web is now proud to provide a massive superstore of essential business supplies at Browse the cyber aisles and you’ll find all the basic stationery items you would expect, along with IT equipment and accessories, ink cartridges and toners, desks and seating, kitchen and catering equipment, cleaning and janitorial items, even facilities products such as Health and Safety signs. Feedback from happy and loyal clients indicates that this one-stop-shop approach saves them time and hassle, while Office1web’s commitment to low prices means they are saving money too.

Find out the difference between a stationery company and an office supplies superstore at

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